11th EHFCN Open House

On 2 and 3 June 2022, the European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption Network (EHFCN), supported by the Health Insurance Organization (HIO), organized an Open House on the impact of COVID 19 on fraud, corruption and waste in the healthcare sector.

An Open House is a meeting hosted by an EHFCN Member who opens its doors to other EHFCN members and invitees. The Open House provides the possibility of learning from each other about counter fraud/corruption practices and exchange expertise. It is an internal meeting.

In 2022, the Open House addressed the impact of COVID 19 on fraud, corruption and waste in healthcare. It revealed strengths and weaknesses of the healthcare systems and the effect of the pandemic on:

  • the digitalization of the healthcare systems
  • the detection of misinformation, false and inaccurate information
  • the resilience and sustainability of the healthcare systems
  • the development of specific electronic systems and the expansion of artificial intelligence tool on fraud detection
  • etc.

In addition of the Open House, some practices, interactive training & case studies were hold.

Here is the program.

EHFCN is very grateful to HIO for its kind hospitality.

More information about Health Insurance Organization (HIO): ΓεΣΥ (gesy.org.cy)

Ask us anything: office@ehfcn.org