Contact EHFCN

European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption Network aisbl

  • Avenue Galilée 5/01 1210 Brussels, Belgium
  • RPR 0879.690.723


For all questions and membership information, you can contact the EHFCN Team

For specific questions

Please find below the contact details of the Executive Committee Members and other elected members.


Dimitra Lingri

Managing Director

Managing Director EHFCN.
Lawyer at the Legal Department of EOPYY (National Organization for Healthcare Services Provision) and Barrister at the Helenic Supreme Court (Athens, Greece). Email:

Lawrence de Marneffe

Lawrence de Marneffe

External Relations Officer

External Relations Officer EHFCN.
Attaché at the Medical Evaluation and Inspection Department at NIHDI (National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance, Brussels, Belgium). Tel: +32 (0) 2 739 72 15. Email:

Executive Committee

Philip Tavernier

President of the Executive Committee of EHFCN

President of the Executive Committee of EHFCN.
Medical Director-General of the Medical Evaluation and Inspection Department (MEID) of the National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance, Brussels, Belgium (NIHDI). He is a medical doctor and has a master in Social Medicine. Email:

Jens Christian Haatvedt

Vice-President of the Executive Committee of EHFCN

Vice-President of the Executive Committee of EHFCN.
Jens Christian Haatvedt works as a senior advisor at The Norwegian Health Economic Administration (Helfo). He is an economist with a masters degree in economics and econometrics from the University of Oslo. Email:

Kathrin Baumgarten

Treasurer EHFCN

Treasurer EHFCN.
International Fraud Lead Analyst (Cigna, Scotland, United Kingdom). Email:

Julie Galodé

Ordinary Member EHFCN

International Relation Officer at CNAM, the French national health insurance fund (Caisse Nationale de l’Assurance Maladie des Travailleurs Salariés, Paris, France). Tel: +33 (0) 2 43 50 77 40. Email: